Saturday, August 05, 2006

Graduation song

Here is a song I wrote for the occasion of a surprise graduation party for William Ross Blackburn, a friend who received his doctoral degree from St. Andrews this summer:

Graduation Song of William R. Blackburn
(Sung to the tune of “Jock McGraw”)

Behold, my name is Rossie B.,
My favorite foods are haggis and tea;
The finest place I ever hae been
Is South Bowhill near quaint Peat Inn.

Now, Scotland is a land of pheasant and sheep,
Of heathery hills and craigies steep;
And the Blackburn name has the ring of a Scot,
But when I waggle my tongue, folks know I’m not.


Supervisors come, and Examiners go,
Learnin’ foreign tongues is a breeze, heigh-ho!
And now I’ve completed, with very little fuss,
“The Missionary He’rt o’ the Exodus”.

I thocht I’d bide but a year or twa,
When I told my wife, all she said was “Ah.”
To hersel’ she’d say, “he’ll spend his days,
Turnin’ gray in college at old St. A.’s.

I mused by day, and I dreamed by night,
And I filled my mind with a noble sight
Of lights, on a stage, and a thunderous clap--
It was Ross in a robe and St. Andy’s cap.


I recall a day with great chagrin,
When my thesis was three-quarters din.
It was digitally stored on a wee PC,
And a blackguard thief pinched the goods frae me.

But a friend—Ah yes!—had a backup disk,
And although we knew we’d run a risk,
He sent it by post o’er the Sea to the States,
And my thanks resounded in the city gates.


Our lads would assemble from near and far,
Each week at the pub for the Seminar;
I praised in song the Canonical Approach,
To impress Chris Seitz, my Divinity Coach.

But Wenham and MacDonald both looked askance,
And scorned to join my exegetical dance;
In the end they changed their Scholarly tune,
And gave me the nod in the month of June.



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