Monday, October 09, 2006

Faith is a Gift?

I recently listened to an online presentation by Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. Mr. Keller was speaking at the 2006 Desiring God National Conference, the theme of which is "The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World".

I enjoyed listening to Mr. Keller. He strikes me as an intelligent, zealous man, and as an engaging speaker. After a lengthy introduction, he developed his thesis using the prophet Jonah as a model. (You may listen to his presentation at Towards the end of his talk, after discussing at length how to engage postmoderns with the gospel, he reminds his audience that "faith is a gift".

To me, this statement, in the context of Mr. Keller's lecture, undermined the thrust of his whole message. If faith is a gift, what is the postmodern to do but wait to receive it?


Blogger Bruce Ezzell said...

To make your point clearer you might want to offer an analysis of Ephesians 2 and other related scriptures. As it is, it just sounds kind of antagonistic. By the way, I am listening to the same message.

2:01 PM  
Blogger John Barry said...

Bruce, I enjoyed Mr. Keller's presentation. I didn't feel antagonistic as I listened. Nor did I intend to *sound* antagonistic in my post. I felt more a sense of bewilderment at Keller's comment about faith being a gift.

I'll take your suggestion and follow up with a post addressing some of the scriptural support for asserting that faith is a gift.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Bruce Ezzell said...

Sounds good. I assumed you weren't being antagonistic; that would not be characteristic of you. :)
The clarification of your position should prove good reading, as some will say, "But John, the text says..."

3:45 PM  

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